Financial Planning and Advice For New Arrivals
Target Group
Afghan Refugees will be assisted in proper, expert financial counselling where they can learn how to be empowered to better use their money and assets.
A financial counsellor can assist client in developing a personal budget, looking at client’s income and expenditure and may assist in developing individual strategies for debt management. These strategies may include budgeting for household bills, such as electricity and gas, and negotiating payment plans for the repayment of debts.
- To provide a workshop for women focussing on information regarding Money Management including Spending, Saving and Credit.
- To provide Basic Money Education – Bank Saving Programs; NILS (Non Interest Loan Scheme)
- To provide participants with tools that assist participants prepare a personal or family budget.
- To provide basic education on Saving and Credit
On request or each 4 months.
If you would like to volunteer please click here.
If you would like to make a donation it would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions please contact us.